Whether your business is large or small, it's critical to prioritize efforts to protect your company data. Disasters and malicious threats are always a possibility and can completely delete important data or compromise sensitive data, which ultimately damages your business. And all these losses will add up over time, causing a huge drop in your profits. With the data, you risk losing time, efficiency, and customers. And all these losses will add up over time, causing a huge drop in your profits. That's why as Doğuş, we take security seriously. We are not taking any risks with regards to a safe and protected solution to our customers. We will create a reliable and secure structure with efficient backup and recovery to protect you from massive data losses and negligence.
Whether your business is large or small, it's critical to prioritize efforts to protect your company data. Disasters and malicious threats are always a possibility and can completely delete important data or compromise sensitive data, which ultimately damages your business. And all these losses will add up over time, causing a huge drop in your profits. With the data, you risk losing time, efficiency, and customers. And all these losses will add up over time, causing a huge drop in your profits. That's why as Doğuş, we take security seriously. We are not taking any risks with regards to a safe and protected solution to our customers. We will create a reliable and secure structure with efficient backup and recovery to protect you from massive data losses and negligence.
Take a look at the network security solutions measures and internet monitoring services we can provide for your business:
User Awareness – Attacks have seen record growth in recent years, and a robust security awareness program is integral to in-depth defense strategies. Through our staff training and testing program, Doğuş can facilitate a positive culture of safety awareness in your business. This includes quality security awareness training, automated attack simulations and actionable reporting measurements.
SD-WAN Solutions – Doğuş can create highly secure site connectivity to enable all sites to be linked together for ease of collaboration and resource sharing.
Firewalls – a firewall is your first line of defense against widespread network security threats and a key component of your network security. Our firewall products provide peace of mind in an increasingly malicious internet environment.
VPN Support – we offer scalable VPN (Virtual Private Network) solutions that allow you to grow your network as you grow your business.
Web Access Monitoring – Our tools can limit end-users’ internet usage, which involves restricting access to specific sites or site categories to ensure staff efficiency and maintain control of your internet bandwidth.
Secure Encrypted Wireless Networks – Our Encrypted Wireless Network solutions provide the flexibility your employees want while maintaining data integrity and network access control.
Spam Protection Solutions – e-posta istenmeyen postası işletmenizde gürültü yaratır ve personel üretkenliğini sınırlar. By thoroughly scanning emails before they enter your work email system, you are limiting the risk of transmission through this median.
Email Security – Ensure the privacy and security of sensitive enterprise emails using email encryption as part of your overall network security architecture.